Saturday, December 30, 2006

Educating the Indian Audience

Though I am drawing the inspiration for this write up from my personal experience in magic. Infact any performance artist has to face this in India. Seldom do we find that the Indian audience applauds properly. Its like its too hard to appreciate or appear to appreciate a performance. The poor M.C. has to coax and coerce the onlookers to applaud.
Our western cournter parts however are much ahead of us in this department. I have fond memories of the T.V. broadcasts of Oscars on the DoorDarshan channel. The audience will hoot and clap and in general its fun to watch the proceedings. Not the same with our home grown stock. One may mistakenly think that we have airs about appreciating the art. I am sure that is not the case, its just that we have not been trained and educated properly. Just like there are schools that teach table manners , oh well if not a school atleast one expects the MCs to raise the awareness by reminding the audience to be polite and applaud. After all the artist has put in a lot of effort to present his or her art to the public.

Friday, December 01, 2006


i am one of those bastards who will do anything to find the worst reason for not doing their job properly. i am a cry baby, crying and whining my way to the end of my miserable life.

i did start this blog with the intention of being regular with it however i always found a reason to be not. ppl like me who want to be in the spot light, ppl who want to be the centre of attraction phony ppl with no real interest in what they are saying or doing. they just do it for the sake of being noticed or because they noticed somebody else doing what they are doing now.

my current reason is GS. he was my mate at IITK during his term here as an m. tech. student. head over to his blog here and read it and comment on it.

there was a time when i used to think a lot about the problems with this society and many a times i thought i had a solution to them as well. but now i am too old to solve other problems when my life itself is the biggest problem of them all.

but writing this blog is probably the only way i have that can be called interaction with this darn world. so even if GS does not egg me on, i will try to be regular.

thanks gs for all this. thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

unholy matrimony

i m sifting thru the profiles of many a single men while i try to find a good match for my sister. at times i look at a profile photograph and instintively decide that the candidate in question is not worth a second look. i feel sick to my bones while i exercise my discretion in rejection the recieved interests. who the hell am i to dismiss a man's suitability by the looks of him alone. how lowly is this act of discrimination, i can't even begin to compare.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

dussera and pujo

vacations started today at iitk. almost all the junta has left the campus and its simply impossible to find any bengali on campus. untill and unless u have lived at kolkata during pujo u will most probably not understand the fervour and frenzy surrounding the madness that is pujor bajaar.

i have no friends now except my trusty computer and my internet account. don't know what i will do without it. the pirated movies and videos that get downloaded by the download gurus on iitk has served the great need of a friend many a times. so its ok by all standards.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

love and friendship

almost throughout my post-adoloscent life i have believed and preached that the best way to enjoy and long long relationship is to have her as your best friend. we have been together since the last 7 years and we never get bored of each other and we talk and talk endlessly. we do enjoy each others company. since 2003 however we are not living in the same city and although we have seen very less of each other. harly a day has gone by when we did not speak to each other. a rather strange thought has crossed my mind and i was caught unawares. i now seem to believe that love and friendship perhaps are two different things altogether. i still will not be able to define love, not many can i think. love is to be experienced, it cannot be defined. and its quite possible to not be in love and yet believe that one is.

i am really troubled over the thought of whether i have experienced love at all. its perplexing. the trouble is i would never know nor do i know if there is a way to find out. to all intents and purposes i am in love and the world knows it. i never would have questioned it however since the thought crossed my mind i am wondering whether it is friendship or love. perhaps i am bored with life and want that excitement that loves brings with it when you first fall in love. god knows. not that its the end of the world for me, its just that i am rather puzzled over this little mystery.

time will tell i guess.....

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

blogs and censorship

Indian ISPs have started censoring and blocking web properties.
source. i knew such a thing was happening in china but why india i donot understand. why does the government have to be so cynical of everything.
freedom of speech is only a vague concept then.

[ i got this news from iitk newsgroups . thanks to Anupam Gupta ]

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Night on Earth

watched this fantastic movie today. its a nice movie with 5 different stories all revolving around taxi drivers in different cities of the world.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

long time no p

that p in the subject stands for post ;) now u know !

well things are not moving quite well. i think i am stuck in hell for what has been the most meaningless 3 years for me :-(
back in 2003 i had a purpose in life, i was full of hopes and plans ready to be executed and then began the slow death of the active phase of my life. now i m a sloth and a "dharti kaa bojhaa"